Am I submitting the right paperwork? My Rep said I needed more...
Back in 2012 I hurt my back overseas i was hospitalized and on quarters for one week. I came back to California and my back was never the same i started with discomfort so i saw my own doctors i never had an MRI just paper work staying "lower back pain" at the beginning of 2013 i filed with va and went through a C&P i just got rated two months ago 09/14 i was awarded 10% for sciatica on each leg and 20% for intervertebral disk syndrome. My pain so bad i had to quit my job a month ago I was also given an MRI something i should of done at after my injury but the va would not pay for it ended up paying for it the MRI concluded that i have 4 bulging disks. I am in so much pain and i feel my health starting to go down the drain do to this back injury i recently reopened my back claim and submitted my MRI and more medical paper showing i am getting worse i have done all my paper work and filing by myself i was told by a American legion vet that my MRI isn’t enough evidence i am so appalled if it wasn’t for that MRI i would not know what has been wrong all these years now i have to wait and get reevaluated for a higher rating i cant believe my MRI and my paperwork of my weekly doc visits isn’t enough not to mention i had to resign my job due to my back getting worse which i have a paper letter to my employer stating my decision to leave due to them sending me to their docs for my back pain. Which the va should been responsible 4 i know some people mention that VSO, and other reps help but they can be discouraging. how can i go about my case?
You're doing all the right things. The VSO is wrong. The MRI report and all the other evidence you tell me that what you're submitting is plenty.
I've published a page on all this here
Having said that, your claim may still be denied. The VA is currently denying about 1/2 of all claims even if they're very well grounded.
There's nothing you can do but to wait and see what happens.
If your claim doesn't come back to you with what you deserve, you will have to formally appeal. I suggest that you retain a veteran’s law attorney to handle that. This won't cost you anything out of pocket.
You can speak with a lawyer today and get to know someone ahead of time, just in case. Any of the lawyers featured on that page will be happy to take some time and talk with you.
One of the very best things you can do is to get an IMO done. The VA quacks who examine you aren't specialists. The IMO doctors who I work with are disability specialists and can write up a report that really addresses what's happening to you. These IMO reports are often what will make the difference between a win and a loss.
I hope this helps...good luck.