Thinking of appealing a denied benefit claim?
Well Jim,
I said I was going to give up on the VA the last time I had any email exchange with you but I am still doing research on the internet. I told you before that I had been discharged from the Navy because I had developed Epilepsy and was unfit for duty. I have done a lot of research on the type of seizures I was having. In all my medical records from the Navy I was reading at the time I had the seizures and my lower jaw would start jerking and I would have a seizure. I started looking for that type of seizure on the internet and found a lot of information about that type of epilepsy. I take antidepressant medicine for depression/anxiety and anticonvulsive medicine for headaches seizures control every day. I have an appointment to have a meeting at the VA Regional Headquarters Dec. 9th about my appeal. All I want to appeal is the epilepsy and secondary depression /anxiety. American Legion is my POA. Have you any advice for me or should I just keep my mouth shut unless asked.
If you're appealing a claim that was denied, you need a lawyer. I never recommend that anyone use the AL for representation. The VA employs hundreds of lawyers to fight against you and you won't win unless you can out-lawyer them.
The sooner you find a veterans law attorney who will take your case, the better your chance of winning.
And you can find local help here: