Don't Leave Money on the Table

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Don't Leave Money on the Table

Find out about financial support programs you may qualify to receive.
A pink piggy bank on a white table surrounded by U.S. coins.

Many military and veteran families struggle financially.  Both state and local governments offer help.  Some programs are funded by the DoD and the VA but others - such as SNAP and the Earned Income Tax Credit - come from other government agencies.  This creates a confusing picture.  We have tried to delevop a simple interview that will help you to identify what forms of financial supports you may qualify to receive.  This is not an exhaustive list. But it does include the major programs operated by state and federal governments. 

Here's how it works:

The link below will take you to the national "LawHelp Interactive" (LHI) website. This site is confidential; the information you enter there is not shared with anyone. You will be asked a few preliminary questions about using the site.  When you get to the actual interview, read and answer the questions. Then print out a Word document that will provide some basic information about the income programs that you may qualify for.

Please let us know if you have any trouble with using the interview. This helps us to improve the tool for everyone.

Go here to start your Don't Leave Money on the Table interview.

June 2013

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