File Notice of Disagreement (NOD)


 I got my letter 50% disability at $810.00 a month. This was not retro to when I opened my claim only 14 months ago my opening of the claim was in 2010 more like 36 months. Is this subject to a NOD or do I just ask? I also am not receiving the full amount since I am married both my mom and dad are still alove and have child under the age of 18 and another disabled child.


 You will NOD this. Write a letter to VA telling them that you are giving a NOD of the effective date of the claim as well as the number of dependents you are responsible for. Be brief but provide enough detail to explain all that thoroughly. Be sure to mail the NOD letter via certified mail, RRR.

 What you're experiencing is the very high rate of these sorts of errors VA makes on about 70% of all claims. It may take you a while to sort this out but don't give up.

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