My husband is a 100% disabled veteran that has PTSD and multiple personalities. He is leaving us with nothing. I am disabled and unable to work and we have two kids to take care of. The only money is his disability. I am his fiduciary and don't want to mismanage his money by paying for our house and utilities. What can I do?
Jim's Reply:
If you want to actually settle this as it should be, the family court is the only real answer for you. Unless and until you get all this in front of a magistrate there is nothing anyone can do to provide any real assistance to you. We can talk about what could or should happen but nothing will go forward until you're in court.
That you are his fiduciary complicates things...a lot. The very best thing you can do for yourself is to get in touch with a local divorce lawyer and explain what you're up against. Divorce lawyers cost money and you'll be billed but if you ask around I have a feeling you'll find an attorney who will allow you some time to make payments.
In the end you really will have to get legal help, either from an attorney or a local legal aid group. I don't see any other option. Good luck.