I am a Vietnam veteran who was been diagnosed with Type II diabetes by my VA doctors and by a private doctor years ago. I am on drug therapy to keep my glucose level under control. When diabetes became a presumptive illness for Vietnam veterans, I applied for compensation having had the illness for about three years prior to the ruling. I had tests results previously taken that indicated high glucose levels despite my medications, but the VA turned down my application because they said I could not prove I have diabetes.
My DAV counselor told me to go off my medication so that I could get 3 high readings in a row, but my doctors told me that if I go off the medication I could risk my health. So, despite my VA doctors writing a letter saying that clearly, if I went off my medication my glucose levels would be significantly higher than the VA compensation board requires, they refuse to grant me compensation because my medication keeps my glucose levels slightly below their requirements.
It seems crazy that the VA will not listen to their own doctors as well as my private doctor, but that is where it is. I am hesitant to go off my medication because of the risk involved while driving or damage that may occur to organs. I would rather not have the compensation than not have good health but this seems so unfair. I thought about complaining to my Congressman about this but my DAV rep told me not to. He said that if I complain, they will go after me in other ways and he didn't want to rock the boat. Any advice?
Jim's Reply:
Your story somehow doesn't sound right. I'm not sure what I'm missing but what you tell me isn't at all how the system works. In fact, your story makes no sense at all. That anyone would tell you to stop taking prescribed medicine so as to get a rating is, well...nuts.
If you are a Vietnam veteran who served with boots on the ground, all you need to file and win a claim for diabetes is the diagnosis. That's it. You do not need a pile of glucose tests, you need a diagnosis and that is all.
If a physician says you have diabetes and you're on medicine (or not on medicine) that's all you need to file a claim and be rated for it. There is a reason you're on diabetes have diabetes. In fact the VA will not run a GTT on you after diagnosis of diabetes, That link takes you to exactly how DM2 is rated, very much unlike what you're telling me you're being told to do.
"When diabetes mellitus has been conclusively diagnosed, do not request a glucose tolerance test solely for rating purposes."
You're getting some terrible advice and to be honest, I do not believe that you've filed a claim for diabetes and been denied. If that is a fact, send me the details and I'll help you appeal that.