
Help Obtaining Military, Health and Education Records

Mark Sullivan is a lawyer practicing in North Carolina and national expert on military divorce and many of the important legal protections available to servicemembers and their families. He is also a member of the StatesideLegal Advisory Board.

While written in 2011, the information in this article is still helpful in identifying some of the hurdles you may face when trying to obtain military, medical, or educational records from the government.



July 2018

Educational Readmission Requirements for Servicemembers

Sometimes, a servicemember must completely withdraw from college or a post-graduate program on a voluntary or involuntary basis in connection with their service as a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority (but not State authority).

If this happens for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days, federal law can provide important protection to the servicemember.

The student must be enrolled in an institution of higher education that participates in a Title IV Federal student financial aid program (a list is available here under "federal student aid programs") and meet the following requirements:


  1. The institution is given notice of the servicemember’s absence for service.
  2. The cumulative length of absences from the institution by reason of service does not exceed five years.
  3. The servicemember gives notice of his or her intent to return by the applicable time limit


The federal law requires the servicemember to be re-admitted with the same academic standing as when she or he left, so long as the student meets certain critiera. This website provides FAQs associated with this federal law.

The DoD Special Needs Parent Toolkit

The DoD Special Needs Parent Toolkit has comprehensive information and tools that are geared towards helping military families with special needs children navigate the maze of medical and special education services, community support and benefits and entitlements.  The Toolkit is broken down into six colorful modules that can be easily downloaded and printed.   We have included important facts, records, tools and sample letters.

GI Bill Education Benefits

The home page for all educational benefits provided by the VA. It includes a listing of schools, the application process and information about how to document attendance. It also includes frequently asked questions about the several military-related programs.


Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 20:18

GI Bill, Montgomery Bill, Interstate Compact for children

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