Domestic Violence
York County Attorney Connection
Will County Bar Association
Ventura County Bar Association LRIS
Union County Lawyer Referral Service
Domestic Violence and Alleged Abusers
Domestic Violence and Firearms
The United States military protects and defends the peace and safety of the United States, its commonwealths and territories and areas occupied by the U.S. Servicemembers are combat trained in order to fulfill the military's purpose and defend against aggressive acts as well as immediately mobilize in a national emergency. In order to fulfill their duties, servicemembers in all branches of the military have access to and possession of firearms and ammunition.
VA Disability Compensation for Sexual or Personal Trauma
A VA Fact Sheet describing how a veteran who has experienced sexual or personal trauma during military service may qualify for disability compensation.
Military Rape Crisis Center
The Military Rape Crisis Center provides immediate crisis care, support, legal assistance, and hope to all survivors of Military Sexual Trauma and their loved ones. It is privately funded and all of its services are free of charge for Military Sexual Trauma survivors.
The Center has offices in Washington DC and Cambridge MA and representatives in 35 states as well as Japan, Germany and England.
Washington, DC: 202-540-9060
Cambridge, MA: 617-381-4795