
A gavel (a small wooden hammer used by judges to bring a courtroom to order) sits on a white surface in front of two stacked legal books.

Silent Partner: The Blended Retirement System and Divorce

SILENT PARTNER is a lawyer-to-lawyer resource for military legal assistance attorneys and civilian lawyers, published by the Military Committee of the American Bar Association’s Family Law Section.

Veterans' Benefits and Child Support

This undated memorandum contains information for lawyers whose clients receive Veterans' Disability Benefits and for lawyers whose clients want to collect child support from someone who receives Veterans' Disability Benefits.

Overseas Divorce in the Far East

This list of "frequently asked questions" relate to divorce when one spouse is stationed overseas in the Far East, especially Japan. It is made available by the LAMP Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association.

Overseas Custody and Visitation Issues

This important list of "frequently asked questions" about custody and visitation was developed by military divorce expert Mark Sullivan. It is made available through the North Carolina Bar Association website.

Separation Agreement Issues for Military Families

This list of "frequently asked questions"  provides general information about the process when a married couple decides to separate, as well as some of the special issues if one of the spouses is in the military.  The summary has been made available by the LAMP Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association.

Remember that State laws may vary on specific issues related to marital separation.

Myths and Mistakes in Military Divorce

Special laws and rules apply when a spouse in the military is involving in divorce proceedings. This is a list of common mistakes that can be avoided. The list has been prepared by the LAMP Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association.

Overseas Divorce in Europe

This is a list of frequently asked questions about the process of starting a divorce while one spouse is stationed in Europe. It is made available by the LAMP Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association.

Survivor Benefit Plan

This handout explains the Survivor Benefit Plan [SBP], which is an annuity paid to the surviving spouse or family member of a deceased service member. It operates somewhat like life insurance.  An active duty servicemember must participate in the program unless their spouse gives consent.  The handout also describes how SBP is affected by divorce.

This handout was prepared by Mark Sullivan for the LAMP Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association.