Income Taxes

Photo of a calculator, papers and pens on a table

IRS Debt: Options for Low-Income Taxpayers

What to do if the IRS sends you a notice saying you owe them money.
Photo of a calculator, papers and pens on a table

Where to get free help if you owe a tax debt to the IRS

Where to get free help.
Photo of a calculator, papers and pens on a table

Filing a Tax Return When Deployed

Your tax return must be signed to be valid. If you are married, then you and your spouse must both sign the return. However, if you are deployed, there are other options. If your spouse has a valid power of attorney to attach with the return, then he or she can sign for you. You can also use IRS Form 2848.
A black graduation caps on top of stacks of U.S. $100 bills.

Student Loan Discharge or Forgiveness and Military Service

Student loans can be quite a burden on any borrower. Discharge of that student loan debt can be very difficult. However, there are options.

2013 lecture on Federal Tax Issues Related to Foreclosure Transaction

Audio-enhanced Power Point lecture by Tax Attorney Sean Norton in 2013, which is intended for general purposes only.