Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 641 - 650 of 3154
December 29, 2020
Vietnam Vet?
Are the eligible dates to be considered a Vietnam Era Vet based on the Basic Active Service Date or Pay Entry Base Date?
December 28, 2020
Home Buying?
How long does closing on a house take with a VA Loan?
December 28, 2020
Independent Medical Opinion for multiple illnesses and injuries and fees.
December 28, 2020
Can you file a secondary connection claim if you were denied a direct connection claim for the same injury or illness?
December 26, 2020
SSDI & Pension?
Can I receive Veteran's Pension and Social Security Disability?
December 25, 2020
C & P Exams
Do I still need to go to the scheduled C&P for a presumptive illness or injury?
December 22, 2020
Should I file for an AICD or leave things as they are?
December 21, 2020
Caregiver Denial
What can I do to win an appeal for caregiver status?
December 20, 2020
I am 100% disabled and have Medicare. Do I have have to pay anything as part of that?
December 19, 2020
Agent Orange Benefits?
What benefits is an Agent Orange Vet entitled to?