Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 411 - 420 of 3154
July 12, 2021
Working while rated TDIU?
If I'm rated 100% P&T TDIU and begin working again (making above the poverty level), what happens? Do I lose my 100% rating?
July 12, 2021
Add Dependents
How to I get CHAMPUS for my dependent?
July 12, 2021
TDIU & Work?
How much can I make when I'm rated 100% TDIU?
July 10, 2021
What happens to CHAMPVA coverage after divorce?
July 9, 2021
My husband recently passed away from myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and hypertension.
July 9, 2021
Child Support?
Can you withhold arrears from VA Disability?
July 8, 2021
TDIU & Further Claims
How do I file for additional claims if I'm already rated 100% TDIU?
July 7, 2021
Another C & P exam?
Why does the VA want me to have a 2 C & P exams after filing a supplemental claim? Isn't the review of the supplemental claim supposed to be…
July 7, 2021
BVA instructions to the VA
Does the Board of Veterans' Appeals give the VA instructions to review the veteran's unadjudicated claims after siding with the veteran on appeal?
July 6, 2021
100% TDIU & 100% Schedular
Can I be rated both 100% P&T and 100% TDIU?