My soon to be ex husband applied for CHAMPVA for me and my son. My concern is when we get divorced, I loose it. Does loss of insurance create a event where I can enroll in my job's insurance? Is CHAMPVA creditable insurance? Are there a lot of out of pocket costs to CHAMPVA? Would it be a good idea for me to get a work policy due to those? How would that work?
Jim's Reply:
CHAMPVA is a health insurance benefit that is available to the dependents of some totally disabled veterans. There aren't a lot of out of pocket costs associated with CHAMPVA, there are some deductibles and such but less than most insurance policies.
Unfortunately, once you're divorced you're no longer a dependent and CHAMPVA won't be available to you.
When you enter the divorce court the magistrate will take all this into consideration. Often enough the party that has been providing health insurance will be ordered to continue that arrangement. If that is the case it's then up to your ex to find insurance comparable to what you have today. You can speak with your attorney about that. Good luck.