Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 2831 - 2840 of 3154
February 27, 2013
Loss of a creative organ rating
I had prostrate cancer from agent orange exposer while in Vietnam, and had surgery. I was awarded 100% from VA and given 0% for ED. I also…
February 22, 2013
Success - the patience of a saint and the tenacity of a junkyard dog
Hi Jim,
It’s been awhile, and I hope this finds you well. I wanted to share my recent good news with you. I received my initial letter from the DVA…
February 22, 2013
Notifying VA about ship presence during Vietnam
I would like to know why the USS DAVIS DD 937 is not on the list of ship that was in Vietnam, 1966.
February 5, 2013
IHD and Agent Orange - use a direct claim
Hello Jim,
I came across your website as I was researching IHD and herbicides. My questionsiare: Since every scientific study published describes IHD…
February 5, 2013
PTSD and Benefits Eligibility
Hello Jim,
I have a pending UI claim. I researched as much as I could. I'm trying to find what criteria VA uses to determine acceptance of my…
January 31, 2013
Improvement after cancer treatment - benefits change
After a C&P hearing in October 2012, I received a letter from the VA alerting me that were going to change my disability rating from…
January 23, 2013
Most claims will take 2 years to process start to finish
I am us army retired. I served on the DMZ north of freedom bridge from 1970-1971 and have Diabetes and glaucoma. I filed my claim…
January 23, 2013
Filing for an increase in benefits
Hello Jim,
I have been following your advice with all my claims & find the DIY is the way to go. You have helped me in the past with my…
January 23, 2013
Establishing the record early
I am 100% disabled VA comp.I also have PTSD never received any I was wounded twice(land mines) Can I get any thing for PTSD I have flash backs…
January 23, 2013
PTSD and long-term disability
Hello Jim,
I have a IU C&P hearing on 1-16-13, I have a 70% disibility for PTSD, from Vietnam Service. My last C&P was Aug 2012, what can I…