I am currently rated 70% for PTSD. I applied for an increase knowing that it goes from 70% to 100% if increase is granted. I am currently employed as a firefighter. If I received 100% for PTSD scheduler rating am I not allowed to work or is that only the case for P&T? I know the criteria for 100% says total occupational and social impairment. So wouldn't that mean if I’m totally occupationally impaired that I cannot work? Thanks for your help
Jim's Reply:
If you are currently working, you aren't impaired to a point where you can't work. A schedular rating of 100% disabled allows the veteran to pursue any sort of employment he's capable of. Only a TDIU rating restricts employment and since you're employed, you aren't eligible for TDIU. The reach from 70% to 100% schedular is a long one...I wouldn't count on it.