What year was PTSD for MST recognized as a compensated benefit? Is it possible to get an earlier effective date if military records show an incident of a reported personal assault? In 1980, PTSD was only recognized for combat and I was not entitled/ allowed to apply for help under the law. However, I was awarded 10% (for a cold weather injury) in 1981, and indication I was seeking assistance from the VA. I have YEARS of diaries/hospitalizations/letters from siblings parents etc.
Jim's Reply:
I think of MST being codified during the early 1990s but I don't think it's possible to put a precise date on it since bring a regulation into place takes quite a while. An earlier effective date? No, probably not. Effective dates are set when we file a claim and not on the onset of symptoms and such. Unless you filed some sort of claim that was wrongly denied and you can prove that, I don't see an early date for you.