Voluntary Draft?


Hi Jim; I joined the army in 1971, with a friend for 2 years . The recruiter called it, a VOLUNTARY draft, and we signed up for what he called the BUDDY system. He said we could pick our MOS, by volunteering, which we did. Just wondering, have you ever heard of a 2 year voluntary draft? I was only in for 2 years , not 3., When I tell people, they say that it's BS. To this day, nobody can believe it. It says RA on my DD214 and not Draftee! Thanks.


Jim's Reply:

You got me with this one...never heard of such a thing and can't find any reference to it. However, 1970 through 1976 or so were tumultuous years...the draft was set to expire in 1971 and a ton of different opinions and ideas were being tossed about trying to decide what to do.

I remember the buddy system well since I was in in 1967. I also remember picking the MOS we wanted by volunteering...that's what I did. That was one of the better things that happened in my life since I chose medic as my MOS and then made a lifelong civilian career out of it.

I don't think what you experienced is BS at all. I believe you were in the right place at the right time and your recruiter had some sort of info that allowed him to do what he did. Recruiters have always had tricks up their sleeve to get you to sign on the line.

That fact of the matter is that if you served 2 years and your 214 has you rated as RA (Regular Army) that is all the proof you need.

Thanks for sharing!