Vietnam Veteran/Agent Orange


Hi Jim, I have a friend who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia today. This makes his fourth cancer diagnosis, including bladder, prostate, and urethra over the past 4 years. He is not well and is on borrowed time. He was a Vietnam Vet and exposed to Agent Orange as a forward observer. Is there anything that he should do to support a claim before he succumbs to the cancer? He has never filed a claim. I want to make sure his wife is taken care of if he is entitled to a claim. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

He must file a claim. There is no other option. The system won't self start, the veteran must initiate a claim or nothing can or will happen. If the claim isn't filed and he dies, his widow is likely to get little or nothing. If he files the claim today and dies tomorrow, the widow is left in much better shape with lifetime benefits.

Filing a claim isn't as complex as most think it is. I'll assume you'll be helping him.

In a nutshell...

File this simple form right now requires very little  I prefer to download the form and print it out to complete.

Then soon after go here You'll find that much of this is boilerplate and you can toss that out.

He will be filing for all the diseases you mention. You don't have to elaborate or get fancy, just name them off like you did for me. If you fill it out, be sure he signs it.

Using certified mail send the completed forms here

​V A Claims Intake Center
PO BOX 4444
JANESVILLE, WI 53547- 4444

Soon after the completed claim form is received it will be processed and a claim will be opened for adjudication. He will get a letter saying that. Should he pass while all this is happening his widow will be able to take over the claim on his behalf. 

If the claim isn't filed prior to his death, she could still file a claim but it would be a much steeper hill to climb. 

Filing the claim...while he is still competent and insures she will have certain benefits after his passing.

Thank you for helping your friend. If you need more info don't hesitate to ask.