Vietnam Vet with Prostate Cancer


Just found out I have prostate cancer.  I am a Viet Nam vet. I am going to a private doctor,  not a VA doctor. Can I still get compensation even though I am not going through the VA?

Jim's Reply:

Vietnam veterans who had boots on the ground service in the RVN are entitled to presumptive benefits for certain conditions associated with exposure to Agent Orange. Prostate cancer is one of the presumptive conditions. Yes, you are eligible for disability compensation no matter where you are diagnosed and treated. You'll need to file for disability compensation by completing and submitting the usual forms and you should provide VA with copies of your civilian medical records confirming the diagnosis. Once you do that you'll be notified that VA is working on your claim and then you'll be scheduled for a Compensation & Pension (C & P) exam. Once the C & P exam is completed the VA regional office will process your claim and send you a letter detailing your benefits. As a rule once you file you'll be awarded a 100% rating that is temporary until the cancer is treated.

After treatment (usually surgery or radiation), you'll be scheduled for another C & P exam and this time you'll be rated on the residual effects of treatment. Residuals are usually leakage of urine and greatly increased frequency of the need to urinate. The final ratings are usually 40% or 60% depending on how many absorbent pads you may need during a day. Interestingly, should you choose active surveillance (watchful waiting) rather than treatment, the 100% rating stays in place forever, although it will remain as a temporary benefit.