Vietnam vet based in Europe


I feel some relief after searching the internet for Vietnam Era readjustment and found your website for disability claims. Anyway, I've been going in circles and have been denied by the new RAMP benefits claim with help from DAV. I need to send out a appeal again before November 2019 which makes my one year to respond. Is there another more effective route to pursue? I was never treated for flatfoot and ankle problems while in Europe where you also was stationed. Running 5 miles Mon to Thurs and 10 miles on Friday in boots without arches has caused damage in the long run. Please let me know your thoughts, being you also was in Europe during the Vietnam Era. Thank you very much for reading this.

Jim's Reply:

If you've been denied a benefit that you believe you earned, you're entitled to retain an accredited veterans law attorney on a contingency fee up front costs to you. You can find your lawyer here