I am writing on behalf of a young man, JM who was honorably discharged in late 2018, (Oct-Dec,) he failed to pass a mental evaluation. After returning home, he found out his wife had been and was cheating on him. One night he went to his father in laws home and entered. He went to the bedroom where his wife was in the bed with her cousin, and confronted them with an unloaded gun.After a verbal altercation he left in his vehicle and returned home. He turned himself in the following morning. No one was harmed and he is genuinely sorry for his actions. This occurred just a few short months from being diagnosed with ptsd, severe anxiety, depression and being honorably discharged.
Prior to this one incident he had NEVER shown any violence or threatening behavior towards his wife, who had multiple affairs, or anyone else. He has numerous people that will vouch for his character and I have character letters from them as well. He had a full time job with a respectable company and was up for a promotion. His boss not only is willing to write a letter on his behalf but showed up to court as a character witness. I believe that J was under represented by his court appointed attorney, who advised him to plead blind. J was under the impression that he would have a chance to give his side of the story and that he would not be sentenced and incarcerated the same day. He was not given that chance. The judge asked simple yes or no questions. He was immediately sentenced to 11 years in prison, 5 suspended for 1st Degree burglary. During this court presiding his wife was portrayed as a traumatized victim who feared for her life. She never once took the stand, he was denied his chance to face his accuser, which is a constitutional right. She also repeatedly broke the restraining order that she had against him by calling his step mother and father to leave person messages for J. One example is when her father passed, she called to get the message to J that her dad had died and she was upset. That is not the actions of a traumatized victim. J was also seeking help, on his on accord. He sought mental health help and once again was diagnosed with ptsd, and bipolar depression in which he was prescribed medication. He was willingly taking that medicine, until he was reprimanded to the l County Correctional Facility He had also started attending anger management classes. He is not getting any kind of help at the county jail he is in.
I have known J around 6 months. He is currently dating my daughter. As a mother I would NEVER support and stand beside someone who I thought would or could harm my daughter. I would stand beside and with J without a second thought.He is honest, thoughtful, respectful, kind,hardworking, and overall just a great young man. He was not on drugs, held a full time job and was a productive taxpaying citizen who served our country. From the moment I met him I have thought highly of him.He is not a criminal and this sentence is going to destroy his life and cost him everything. He and my daughter had just gotten a home, he has a car , with a hefty car note, and a well paying, steady job with a bright future ahead of him with a respectable company. He has never previously been in any kind of trouble and is genuinely sorry for what happened.
Is there any kind of help for him? He is promised his job back once he is released weather it is 6 months or 6 years, he was promised that by the Vice President of the company he was working for, but sitting in jail his bills are piling up and he will come home to nothing. He has letters written by coworkers, and friends that will stand by him and vouch for his character. He does not deserve to be in prison. No one was harmed. He is not a criminal. People much less deserving get second chances everyday. If anyone deserves one it is this young man. I have spoke to someone at the VA and had he went through them and sought help with his case he would not be in the situation he is in, but since he has already been sentenced they cannot help not. Please if there is anyone that can help or if anything can be done it would be greatly appreciated
Jim's Reply:
The veteran who we're talking about has been afforded due process in the American criminal justice system and is being punished. If you believe that a miscarriage of justice has happened, you can hire a criminal defense lawyer for him. I don't believe that you'll find anyone else to help.