VES C & P Exam


Hi Jim, Welcome home brother. I had the DAV file a claim for neuropathy from agent orange. I’m 10% in each leg now but the right leg is getting bad so I am applying for special compensation. I do not know who VES is and my DAV told me to go to every exam. Anything I should be aware of? Thx


Jim's Reply:

Veterans Evaluation Services is a contractor who provides C & P exam services for the VA. There are a small handful of similar companies doing much the same thing.

I'll assume that you are currently rated at 10% in each leg for an agent orange related neuropathy. That's a rarity these days since you have to file within one year of exposure to herbicides during service. The far more common cause of neuropathy like that you speak of is diabetes, also very common in the Vietnam vet.

Finally...spine problems can cause neuropathy symptoms that may mimic other neuropathies so you'll want to think about having a peripheral nerve study done. The C & P examiner might want to order such a test for you.

I'm not at all sure that you'll be getting SMC with ratings of 10%. The SMC ratings require a lot of documentation of how you can't care for yourself and as a rule a 10% rating isn't all that much help. For example, the SMC Housebound rating requires a 100% rating and then another rating of at least 60% so you're quite a ways off.

Good luck.