VA Nexus letter and other questions


My VA doctor will not provide a Nexus letter because it is a conflict of interest. So, I had a private doctor write me a Nexus letter which was in my favor. The VA made a new decision, and same day noted an error? So then they scheduled me to see a VA contractor to examine me and another to do an ECHO. These issues are already well documented in VA medical records. I have been using VA medical for 15 years. The examiner only asked what my career field was and if I was injured or hurt during while serving in the Gulf War. From that, how could they make a determination as to service connection? He didn't ask what I did in my duties, what I have been exposed to, (chemicals, environment, or anything) that could link my disabilities to my service. I have read where many have had their claims denied based on these contracted C & P exams. It appears they are making written decisions without knowing all the facts. Which could be a strong rebuttal in an appeal should they deny my claim again. But the appeal could take years to be read and decided. I guess, I just have wait and see, pending on how long it takes for the VA to clear this so called error now. What is your opinion?

Jim's Reply:

I agree. You'll have to wait for the decision to understand exactly how all of that will be interpreted.