I was given this web sight from the White House hot line! My dad's a 95 year old Veteran who servers three years of his life fighting for our control! In July of 2017 the A VA hospital admission starts a nightmare noooo individual should ever go thru never mind our Veterans our “Government” so called protects! I have been fighting & will never stop until my dad gets Justice that’s on the hospital side as well as the Fiduciary side! There’s a paper trail a mile long any ethical intelligent individual can see what was done to my dad! the money that had been & still being spent from which I can only see as cover up is forget thousands it’s costing the state, My dad, federal government, What it has done to my family, myself, most importantly my dad! Cost him close to 2 years of his quality of the end we would do it again knowing it’s going to save this from happening to a lot of other Elderly individuals most importantly our Veterans! My dad would’ve been left to die in a NH that let a disgusting lawyer get away with this elder abuse knowing the system knowing the ways to manipulate the courts & not a soul ever checked ok my dad!! Even after I was able to get him out of there they left me with a evil disgusting individual who managed to become his Fiduciary never disclose it to the probate court! I’ve recently had him removed & it’s still being covered up! This man not only does not do half of what he is supposed to as a fiduciary how he gets him out of the hospital was not only illegal it was barbaric!! He managed to get himself out of answering for a lot of discrepancies with 31000 he received from sep 2017 thru March 2018 made it look like a wash...there’s so much more I just know it’s at a crucial point & me dad more than ever needs the appointment ethical council that are familiar with the laws involved! I’m pleading with you to reach out to me ASAP of there’s anyway you can help!!
Jim's Reply:
The VA fiduciary program has long been riddled with problems. The only thing that you can do once the fiduciary has been appointed is to retain the services of an experienced and accredited veterans law attorney to help. You can find one here.