VA claims I missed the one year appeal deadline


Sir I have a claim in or at the board level since July 2019.  I have filed back in 2008 but my injury was on 1978,  now they say I missed the one year appeal so they had to open a new one for that which I think is BS cause they don’t want to back pay. Back injury 1979 military connected o rating. Right hand fracture military connected 1978 0 rating 3 times.  Burn scars military connected o rating. Sleep ahpena military connected just done on july 2019.  EDA miltary connected And more than 160 days.  Should I  turn in a form 10882?

Jim's Reply:

Your opinion of the motivation to deny you back pay is noted. But the reality is that whether we like it or not, if we don't timely file an appeal the claim is permanently closed. That's the law and if you want it changed, start with your Congressional representative. I don't know what a Form  10882 is and can't find one in a Google search.