I had ulcerative colitis (sc), then had surgery, and now have ileostomy. I also now have a hernia around it. Does that qualify me for VA disability? After my C & P for ileostomy, they gave me 10 percent more for my colitis, but I don't know why.
Jim's Reply:
If you have a service connection for ulcerative colitis and you had surgery to remove that section of your colon, your condition should be rated at 100% after surgery and then at much the same rate for your lifetime.
7323 Colitis, ulcerative:
Pronounced; resulting in marked malnutrition, anemia, and general debility, or with serious complication as liver abscess 100
Severe; with numerous attacks a year and malnutrition, the health only fair during remissions. 60
Moderately severe; with frequent exacerbations 30
Moderate; with infrequent exacerbations 10
Were I you I'd run all this past a veterans law attorney to learn if mistakes have been made. That won't cost you anything and you'll have a professional to help you understand what happened. If mistakes were made your attorney will help you file the necessary appeals to set it straight. Click