hi husband is vietnam veteran and was exposed to agent orange.He has hypertension,and hypothyrodism for which we have been denied because it is not on presumptive list and not service connected.Latest blood count show inconsistencies in mcv albumin.and etc...can this be new evidence?
Jim's Reply:
A disability or disabling condition needs a diagnosis...a name that is assigned by a health care professional. Hypertension and hypothyroidism are each conditions that are diagnosed diseases. The presumptive list is a list of conditions that the government cedes were caused or contributed to by exposure to agent orange, usually while in Vietnam.
Blood counts are not named conditions or diseases. A blood count is simply a measurement of a particular factor of the blood and it isn't a disease or a condition.
If the veteran wants to receive a disability benefit for a condition not on the presumptive list, he will need an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO) from a physician who is an expert in disability medicine.
For example, if your husband has diabetes, that is a service connected presumptive condition.
If he is rated for diabetes he can claim hypothyroidism as secondary to the diabetes condition. Diabetes is a presumptive condition and it can be linked to hypothyroidism for rating purposes but you'll probably need an IMO to get that done. More info is here