My wife was completely fraudulent, lieing, scammed me and tricked me into this marriage. Before we married she was the sweetest, most loving person I had ever met. She was clean, went to church, had family close, would spend her days off with me or if I had to work she would stay at my house all day. She was positive, fun to be with and we did a lot of things together. Two weeks after we married she said "I should not have married you, do not love you, but I did not have anywhere to live", she had already burned out her welcome at all of her friends and relatives, so she said I looked like I could support her in a manner she would like. Now she has served me divorce papers and wants half of everything. I live in Colorado which is a community asset state. She has totally ruined my life as I will lose my home and all that I have worked for all my life. In 8 and a half years we have never fully consummated our marriage. She wants it all and has no conscience or concern about how I have given it all for this marriage, and tried so hard to keep the marriage together. I did not want to be divorced again. What am I going to do?
Jim's Reply:
First up you can slack off throwing shade. Divorces are mostly no-fault these days so none of the details need to be aired. You're headed into divorce court and the judge will determine who gets what and who owes what to who. When you get to court, your best asset...your only asset your credibility. Speak politely and truthfully and you may get out without too much damage.