Hello Jim, Thank you for taking my question. I have a major situation with the Wilmington VA Elsemere De. I have not been getting paid for the Non Va Care that the VA sends us out for treatment. 76 of my travels have not been paid and 1 other travel claim I submitted on 10/12/17. My original claim has white out on form in which I did not do. The travel Supervisor whited out my form and embellished a story to substantiate his claim. I NEED HELP.. I have contacted The Director, Asst Director, investigator, Patient Advocate, The Senators office, White House Hotline, Visn4, OIG etc are ALL AWARE OF THIS. The question that I keep being asked is How did I find this Out... this affects a lot of Veterans of NOT BEING PAID.
Jim's Reply:
I don't understand? How did you find what out? If you mean that you aren't getting mileage reimbursement for travel incurred from your residence to non-VA-care, the only thing I could do is to refer you to all the people you're already in touch with. The regs governing travel are here.