Timely Requirement


I currently have a rating of 70% for migraines. That decision was made last year and shortly after that they said they were evaluating my condition to see if I have 100% unemployability. They have told me since June of 2010 that they are ready to make a decision. How long do they have to make that decision from the time they say they are ready? Thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it.


VA doesn't have a "timely" requirement. They make the decision when they make the decision and not before. Having said that the length of time it's taking for yours may be pushing the limit. Are you sure you returned everything VA asked you to? Did your prior employers  complete the request that VA sent to them? What sort of communication have you had from VA since June?

If you aren't sure that your claim was properly processed, it won't hurt to write a brief letter and ask what in the world is taking so long. You may want to do that monthly or so and create a paper trail for future use.