Hi Jim, I am a disabled veteran and I am receiving TDIU. I wanted to get a part time job but I know I will most likely go over the poverty threshold for one person. I have 3 children that are my dependents so will the VA go by my household size poverty threshold or just one person?
Jim's Reply:
TDIU veterans are encouraged to return to work if they're able to. Work is good and healthy for us. You are able to work and earn up to the amount of the federal poverty threshold for your household in your region. That's explained in more detail here
If you return to work you don't have to notify VA or anyone else. VA will track your earnings at the SSA and IRS and if you go above the threshold, you'll receive a letter from VA proposing that you have a chat.
Many TDIU vets who want to return to work discover they aren't able to so this approach ensures you don't lose your benefits because you wanted to try. If you're able, go for it.
Good luck!