TDIU & Tax Exemption


I'm a Veteran living in the State of Florida, Im currently recieving 100% disability rating for over 5 years based on TDIU, I'm also receiving Social Security benefits based on my combat related service connected conditions. I'm trying to get a tax exemption for my property to help my wife out, however it seems it requires my current 100% rating to read permanent and tota.  It was difficult enough to get this rating from VA; I'm afraid if in my attempt to get a permanent rating, VA will reduce my rating.  What can I do?  Any insight would be appreciated.

Jim's Reply:

The TDIU (unemployability) rating may be either a permanent rating or it may be temporary in nature with future exams scheduled. If your rating is temporary with future exams scheduled, you should wait until the next exam and ask the examiner to recommend that the rating become permanent.

If your rating is permanent with no future exams scheduled, then you have to print your own letter for the tax office by going to your eBenefits account and designing the letter for yourself. The app that lets you design your letter will allow you to indicate that you have a permanent and total 100% disability and you do not have to state the underlying rating. The underlying rating in a TDIU statement always confuses the tax assessor so it's best left out. Your eBenefits account is here .

(I live in Florida too and faced the same issue you have.)