TDIU to Schedular?


Hi Jim, Thank you for what you are doing. I have been on TDIU/T&P since 2016. This month I was awarded another disability rating which took me to 100% T&P. What happens now? Do I lose the TDIU since I now have a 100% schedular rating? What does that mean? Can I go back to work without any restrictions? Can they take away the 100% later on? Thank you for your time and help. 


Jim's Reply:

Your 100% TDIU or unemployability rating converted to a 100% schedular rating because another disability rating was awarded and that took you to a point where you didn't need to ratings boost that the TDIU process allows.

You received a TDIU rating because it was determined that you were disabled enough that you couldn't work but you didn't have the required numbers to add up to 100% on the ratings schedule. Now for whatever the reason your ratings do add up to 100% on the schedule and here we are.

What changes? Nothing much other than you can go out and get a job that pays more than the federal poverty wage. Some vets do that, others aren't able to even though they are now allowed to seek and hold gainful employment. Otherwise the dollars and all other benefits are exactly the same.

When you convert to a 100% schedular rating from a TDIU rating the underlying disabling conditions that allowed you a TDIU rating don't go away. Nothing about your physical and mental health self changes with the rating so your abilities to take on full time work may not be up to par.

In any case, can now take on any work you care to. Can VA reduce the 100% in the future? Sure they can but that's no different for you now than before. VA always has plenty of opportunities to reduce our ratings but thankfully we aren't subjected to that very often.

I'm a big believer that work...gainful a huge boost to anyone who is able to work. I worked in the health care arena and in my retirement, I miss it a lot. Were I physically up to it I'd find something to do in a hospital just because! If you can return to work, go for it. Good luck sir.