TDIU Earlier Effective Date Claim


I have a TDIU earlier effective date claim, going back to 2000, appealed since 2009. This is the issue..I've been to CAVC, and my claim recently returned to CAVC,In 2013,  the BVA issued a decision MDD granted back to 2000, this was called a CUE. TDIU was intertwined with this in 2009. Now in 2013,  MDD was on appeal, TDIU was not. The MDD was granted as "Extraschedular." TDIU is generally granted "Extraschedular" not earlier effective date. This seems like a CUE on a CUE...

Jim's Reply:

You'll understand that without an experienced veterans law attorney or friendly ALJ taking the time to review the record in it's entirety, no opinion you seek carries any weight. You have what appears to be a complex claim that dates back 20 years and I'm sure the record is quite the interesting and lengthy read. In the end, if there's anything you disagree with, you have the right to appeal.