
My husband is 70% disable with back and sciatic nerve injury. He has caregiver services that just started. He is 82 years old and was advised to file for TDIU. What does this entail and what are his chances at his age? Will his age disqualify him? Thanks


Jim's Reply:

If and when he were to file for TDIU he would be subjected to the usual C & P exams and so on. Otherwise, it's very much like filing for any other benefit in that there are forms to complete, etc.

While his age won't automatically exclude him from the TDIU benefit, I'll assume that he has been out of the workforce for quite some time and that may be a problem. 

If I were him I'd proceed to file for the benefit and I'd tell VA that even at his age he wants to work but that his service connected disability keeps him away from employment.

Good luck.