Jim, Does TDIU end once you are later awarded 100%? I hope my question isn’t confusing. Let me explain... I applied to raise my ratings, and also requested TDIU at the same time. I was sent to new C&P exams. One of my disabilities were raised to 100%. My award letter says my individual unemployability was awarded and began when my employment ended last year. Then this year after my C&P exams I was awarded 100% for one of my disabilities. My letter also states that it’s total and permanent, and no future exams are scheduled. So does this mean my TDIU was only in place temporarily during the time after I ended employment, but then ended this year when I was awarded 100%? Or does this mean that I have both 100% scheduler P&T, and also TDIU at the same time? Thank you.
Jim's Reply:
Well...TBH the story is confusing. But yeah, I think you nailed it. You applied to raise existing ratings and in the process you were awarded TDIU. Later after further adjudication of all your claims the rating was modified to reflect new ratings and the 100% schedular benefit replaced the 100% TDIU benefit.
This isn't an infrequent happening as claims can take so long to fully process through the system. You'll be paid at the 100% schedular rate which happens to b the same as the 100% TDIU rate.