FACTS: Back in 2000 I was awarded 70% (for 10% L. wrist fusion, 10% face skin problems, 50% for pansinusitis). Wrote a letter for IU, and was awarded IU P&T. Since then been following doctors orders, and, between now and then, flare ups of sinusitis far and few between. This year, haven't had any doctor assistance with sinusitis and if I do, they have instructed me what to do. After working at the post office (before I was awarded 70% IUPT) was put on medical disability because of sinusitis, and later (after I was put on 70% IUPT) put on SSDI for sinusitis as well. Fast forward (Dec 2019 (Age: 64)), have an appt with ENT. Basically, for hearing aids, but I"m sure he'll go into sinusitis. Now if he states sinusitis are better, will I lose my IU? Thanks
Jim's Reply:
"Will I lose my IU?" No. Your rating for pansinusitis has long been considered as stable and it won't be subject to review. See here for more information.