Slow and steady pays off


I wanted to thank you for all of the good advice that I have read on your web sites and face book. I did exactly what you recommended as far as my claim was concerned. I was 1st denied in 2007 for IHD but was given a 70% rating for PTSD, hearing loss and a few other issues. When Nehmer came out I just refiled for IHD and sat back and let it happen. Only took 5 months. Was awarded 100% IHD because of AICD and CHF. Because I already had 70% I was also awarded and additional $342.00 a month for a total monthly award of $3143.00 paid concurrently with retired pay. Reto pay was a little over $60,000.00

You are so right the system works if you do it right and leave them alone to do their jobs. Again thanks so much.


Thanks for sharing that. you have hit the nail on the head. Patience and perseverance are 2 of the more important keys to success with a VA claim. Claims are processed by VA in the order they are received. If your claim is properly submitted and your evidence is reliable, it will move through the system more smoothly than others. If you submit a claim and you make it easy for the individual who will be working on it, you'll be getting your decision letter in months rather than years.