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Displaying 17 - 20 of 72
July 2018
Identity Theft: Self-Help Tools
Things you can do to restore your credit and avoid collections after someone has stolen your identity.
July 2018
Filing a Tax Return When Deployed
Your tax return must be signed to be valid. If you are married, then you and your spouse must both sign the return. However, if you are deployed, there are other options. If your spouse has a valid power of attorney to attach with the return, then he or she can sign for you. You can also use IRS…
July 2018
Postponing a Lawsuit Against You
What if I am sued while on active duty?
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) can provide a 90-day stay (delay) of a civil lawsuit against you. You will need to ask the court for this delay. You may be able to do this with a letter, but you may need to file a form called a Motion for…
August 2020
Military Acronym User-Guide
Military jargon involves numerous acronyms. In order to assist you, we have provided this acronym guide for your easy reference. The acronyms selected are those we found to be the most common when addressing legal issues for servicemembers, veterans and their families. Since this is your user-…