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November 2021
VA Disability Compensation and Disability Pension
This article explains what VA Disability Compensation and Disability Pensions are, who qualifies, and how the benefits work.
December 2020
Can I Receive Payments From the DoD and the VA for the Same Disability?
In short, probably not. The two programs usually offset each other. Thus, you may generally only receive benefits from one program. However, for some veterans there are exceptions.
June 2018
What are the Major Differences between DoD and VA Disability Benefits?
Here are some important differences between DoD disability retirement benefits and VA disability benefits. Understanding these differences may help you sort out the benefits puzzle.
December 2020
Can I get both Social Security Disability Benefits and VA or DoD benefits?
Generally speaking, medical history is the single most important factor in receiving benefits under SSDI. Therefore, all of your VA medical records and military records can play an important role in proving to the SSA that you qualify for SSDI.