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Displaying 77 - 80 of 759
December 2020
100% and chances of P&T
Given the length of time for my initial ratings, with no improvements, what are the chances of getting P&T?
December 2020
November 2020
TDIU, Schedular & P/T
Hey there: I have a 90% scheduler rating and the VA awarded me TDIU. I'm blessed and very appreciative. I still having several claims pending that "if" granted, will increase my rating to 100%. Moreover, I've read that if a veteran is granted 100% scheduler rating while on TDIU; the…
November 2020
Recuperative 100% Rate
Hey Jim, I am receiving a 2nd surgery for my meniscus and ACL tear. I was told by the surgeon/ortho Dr. that I would have my disability temporarily bumped to 100%. I'm trying to get the process of this situated prior to my surgery so everything can remain smooth. I was wondering what…