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DD - 214
Jim, I have written you several times and your answers have been dead on. Here is another one, I am retired Air Force and am having a hard time remembering my effective dates of assignments. Who would I call to get them? The main one I was looking for was when I was stationed with the…
Hi Jim, I am 80% Disabled by the Army and 100% due to unemployability. I have been 100% since 2009. If I started a business would my benefits and or unemployability be taken away?
I have a 40% rating following an ankle replacement. It was noted “with complex regional pain syndrome”. Can I also apply for cavus disability rating in the same foot?
Jim's Reply:
Your pes cavus may or may not be associated with the ankle replacement and yes, I…
I was in Vietnam from 1968-1969; and was attached to an infantry company as an artillery RTO from my artillery. I was with this infantry company from early June (the first week) to sometime in October 1969. However, it is not recorded on my DA 20, that I was attached with this company…