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Heart Block?
While on active duty, I had an ECG show a 1st degree AV heart block. I just now saw this in my records after being retired 4 years and with only a 10% rating for a palm scar. Can I submit the active duty ECG with a new claim to get the 30% rating? Thank you!
Jim's Reply…
My husband and I are getting a divorce after 44 years of marriage. I have a 70% disability rating and TDIU. Is he entitled to half of my disability?
Jim's Reply:
Divorce is never that simple. When you enter the court to finalize the divorce the magistrate will have…
I'm a Vietnam combat veteran, Navy, and was awarded a 30% PTSD and 10% hearing loss disability by The VA.
Corrective surgery?
My husband currently gets 30 percent disability for his right knee and has been getting VA benefits for over 20 yrs. He is finally getting knee replacement surgery on that knee because it has him in constant pain. Does he need to file a claim regarding his surgery before the surgery…