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December 2020
VA Disability - Step 2: The VA Response
This step-by step guide will walk you through the process of a VA Disability claim. This step will give you information on the VA's response to a filed claim or an "Intent to File a Claim" filing.
December 2020
VA Disability - Step 3: Gather and submit evidence
This step-by step guide will walk you through the process of a VA Disability claim. This step will give you information on how to gather and submit evidence that will help you with your claim.
December 2020
VA Disability - Step 4: The C & P Exam
This step-by step guide will walk you through the process of a VA Disability claim. This step will explain the Compensation and Pension Examination (C & P exam).
December 2020
VA Disability - Step 6: When the initial decision finds no "nexus…
This step-by step guide will walk you through the process of a VA Disability claim. This step explains what it means when the initial decision finds no "nexus".