

I had service connected Hep C since 1975 but it was not detected until 2002. After several treatment attempts, it was finally "cured" in 2008. In 2009, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I submitted for Hep C disability in 2012 but was denied. I just submitted for disability for both conditions in 2022. Is there a possibility I can get back pay for the Hep C and going forward a disability for diabetes where I am now borderline type 1?


Jim's Reply:

If your Hep C was cured in 2008, it is no longer a disabling condition in 2012 and thus you can't receive disability benefits for a condition that you don't have. If you were diagnosed with DM in 2009 and you just filed for compensation, that leaves me very confused. Why would you wait that long?

I don't see any path forward for any sort of claims for the Hep C and I'm not at all sure what the service connection is for your DM claim? If you aren't a Vietnam vet with agent orange exposure, what are the reasons that you believe the DM is service connected? If you are an agent orange qualified veteran, the DM claim will be more or less automatic.

Good luck sir.