Recent rating increase but not P & T


I applied for VA disability in 2009 after retiring in 2003. I was awarded 10% for a thyroid condition that was diagnosed in early 2000. I am over 55 and recently applied for an increase. I was awarded 100% for the ongoing condition. I am interested in requesting that it be made p & t in order to use the education benefits for my dependents going to college. Given my age, I don't see any reason to expect improvement. I would appreciate your opinion on whether this is a prudent course of action.

Jim's Reply:

As a rule I advise veterans to not pursue a P & T rating if they are rated as 100% temporary. But I suspect your rating may be Permanent already. If you don't have a future exam scheduled, you're likely already rated as permanently disabled. If there is a future exam scheduled, that would be the time to ask the examiner for a permanent rating.