Pes Planus


Jim I served in USMC from 1964-1967 and I was diagnosed with flat feet and was told I could pursue a medical discharge; however I was gung ho and it was never an option for me! My daughter an Army Veteran urged me to contact you regarding a possible benefit. Thanks for your time.

Jim's Reply:

You were diagnosed with flat feet over half a century ago and your daughter thinks you should get a benefit for that today? OK, here's how it works: You have to prove that you were diagnosed with pes planus by providing the medical records that show that diagnosis. So dig out those service records! remember, you can't just say that you were diagnosed, you have to prove it.

Then you have to prove 53 years of disability from those feet. That means a steady record of doctors appointments and treatments ever since then. Once you have all that together, file a claim. Unless your feet are really terrible, you may get lucky with a 0% rating although I have doubts.