I have Static Ratings that equal 80%. I am 71 years old. Currently being treated for cancer and medication will end soon. My temporary 100% (due to cancer treatment) was in effect for 10 years. Should I keep fighting or wait and see what the VA does with me when they reduce the 100% down to 80% static? I'm hoping they rate me 100% TDIU. I do have more medical conditions I could file for which will be residuals of my cancer. I just don't know if I should file now or wait and see what the VA does with me. I don't see how they could look at me and expect me to return to the work force and earn substantial wages. The VA is a constant fight. I'm tired and worn out from dealing with the VA compensation system.
Jim's Reply:
If your 100% rating has been in effect for 10 years I'd have to predict that your rating will not be lowered. If you want to be rated as TDIU you have to apply for it rather than sitting back and hoping VA will offer it to you.
If you're unable to work, you should apply for TDIU. Good luck.