Jim, I just happened onto your web site as I am looking for information that I can understand. I'll make this as simple and clear as possible Vietnam Era Vet. AGE 65. VA 10% Comp for Hearing $134 Mo. SOC. SSDI 100% $1634.60 ( 2020 COL ) - Medicare ins, $144.60 Net income $1,490.00 SOC. SSDI reform is sweeping the SSDI recipients, ( $23 trillion national debt is playing out in real time ) Raising the bar and outing fraud as the (happy disabled) As the president has labeled it. It will most likely be indiscriminate like the IRS is.
My question is, since I just turned 65, is a VA pension available with this SSDI amount,,,, and or should I lose it in the coming reform sweep. Can I get help from the VA to avoid homelessness in the form of a Pension ? What are my options? Where do I stand? Being homeless is a source of some PTSD which I have and anxiety from the fear of being homeless again at 65. Some insight would sure help and thanks for all that you are doing..
Jim's Reply:
I'd guess that your income is too high for pension, although it won't hurt to apply. But I don't think you have much to worry about. The reform talk sweeping the country has little to no effect on current benefits holders. Changes that are made to eligibility requirements will affect future generations, not us. Nobody is after the benefits you receive today and if there are changes to how future generations are awarded benefits, you and I will be grandfathered in.