PCS orders and current child visitation


Me and my ex are divorced. I have a visitation for our twin boys in the weekend and pay child support. I am an active military about to PCS to another state in month. What step I need to take and any advice please thanks

Jim's Reply:

Your divorce orders about visitation and such won't change unless you return to the court that has jurisdiction, usually where the children reside today. You'll owe the same amount of money and the visitation is the same although if you're a distance away, it gets awkward. Unless and until you've returned to the court for a modification of the divorce stipulations, the custodial parent isn't required to do anything different to accommodate your new schedule.

You should try to work out some equitable arrangement with the custodial parent so that you develop a workable visitation schedule. That's a good start and then I'd urge you to get the new arrangement into the family court so that the details are of record.

The military life often requires extended separations from our family. While this is a bit different, if managed well the kids and your career will be fine. I was born in a Navy hospital to a young Marine who spent the next 20 years from Korea to Tripoli and beyond. The Gunny was there when I needed him, mom took care of the rest.

No matter the age of the children they should be fully informed and reassured that reassignments and relocation as well as missions where we must be unaccompanied are a part of our sacrifice as active duty military personnel.